
The Gounder Family

From historic leaders to generous contributors of modern society.

A History of Giving

We're shaping India's future through philanthropy, building industries, schools, non-profits, and infrastructure.

Chieftaincy under the Chola Empire

9th-13th centuries: As noble protectors, Gounders served as chieftains and warriors under the Chola Empire, leading territories and providing military strength.

Governance in Rashtrakuta Dynasty

753-982 CE: Holding key governance roles, Gounders served as 'vishayapathi' (Governor of a province) and 'gramapathi' (Headman) during the Rashtrakuta Dynasty, effectively maintaining law and order.

Leadership against the British East India Company

1800-1802: Demonstrating strong leadership, Dheeran Chinnamalai Gounder, a notable Polygar, commanded significant resistance against the British East India Company during the Polygar Wars.

Driving Industrialisation of Kongu Districts

Post 1990s: Gounders pioneered the industrialisation in Kongu districts by leveraging their extensive land resources, thereby becoming key players in a variety of sectors.

Championing Education and Infrastructure Development

Recent Times: With a strong commitment to societal development, Gounders have contributed significantly to education and infrastructure, establishing schools, universities, and improving infrastructure across Tamil Nadu.


Evolution of Responsibility

Our role in society has evolved over the centuries, shaping our responsibilities towards our community and the world. From rulership to philanthropy, we are constantly adapting and growing, committed to making a positive impact in every field we venture into.

Transforming Education

Dedicated to education, we advocate for schools that foster creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy, preparing students for a rapidly changing world.

AI: The Driving Force of Society

We're committed to harnessing AI's transformative potential to enhance efficiency, stimulate innovation, and positively enhance today's society. Our endavours are detail oriented to optimize societal impact.

Building Financial Infrastructure

We're striving to reshape financial infrastructure to ensure robust, reliable, and accessible financial services, contributing to a more inclusive and prosperous world.